Installing AppThemes
Partial And Shared Templates
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JQuery Validation
DNN Search
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Simplisity JS
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Field Data
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Adding CSS and JS
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Multi-Row AppTheme
Razor Tokens
Shared Templates
Text Search
Search And Filters Rules
Tag Filter
Create an AppTheme
Razor Tokens
Shared Templates
Category Menu
Property Filter
Secure Document
RSS feed
Related Articles
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Module Settings
# Search Text searching works with SQL and/or the DNN search system. ## DNN Search The preferred method of text search is the DNN search. It gives better performance, but less control. ## Setup of the DNN Search - Ensure the DNN Scheduler is active. - Ensure the "Search: Site Crawler" Scheduler Task is running. - In RocketDirectory Admin Select a search page. - Save the Admin Settings. - Select a rocket directory module for the search. ## DNN Search tips The DNN search uses the Scheduler to populated the DNN search database, each time an article/content is edited the scheduler is told to rebuild the index for that article/content. If you are importing data or altering the DB without using the Admin UI you will need to run the **"Directory Admin Panel>Admin>Validate and Rebuild Search Index"** button. It can be difficult getting the DNN search to work on the category for the first time. For some unknown reason it does not index instantly, the time for index is slow and if there is a problem it stops. - Try Restarting the AppPool - Re-run the **"Directory Admin Panel>Admin>Validate and Rebuild Search Index"** - Wait a period of time before testing. **Remember:** The DNN search is controlled by DNN, there are options in Site Settings>Search. The "Enable Part Word" option can be helpful, but it does slow the indexing. ### Admin Search and Public Search There are 2 input names that can be used for the search. This is because we want separation between the admin search and the website list search. **You must use the correct textbox id for each view.** The admin textbox is defined in "AdminSearch.cshtml", but any AppTheme should use the correct "viewsearchtext" id. The SQL search filter can use either, it will be converted. **Admin Search** ``` searchtext ``` **List Search** ``` viewsearchtext ``` ### Clearing the "Text Search" This can be done by clearing the search session cookie. ``` simplisity_setSessionField('viewsearchtext', ''); simplisity_setSessionField('searchtext', ''); ``` Often we want to clear the "Text Search" when a category is selected. This can be done by JS on the onclick event of the category menu. ```
``` ### Clearing the "Selected Tag" ``` simplisity_setSessionField('rocketpropertyidtag', '0'); ``` or use the Razor token ``` @TagButtonClear(ResourceKey("DNNrocket.clear").ToString(), sessionParams) ``` ### Clearing the "Filters" ``` $('.rocket-filtercheckbox').each(function(i, obj) { simplisity_setSessionField(, false); }); ``` or use the razor token ``` @FilterActionButton(ResourceKey("DNNrocket.clear").ToString(), sessionParams, false) ``` ## Advanced XML SQL Search There is a default index created that can be used or you can use other XML data. Sorting on XML is very slow and an index should be created, selecting on XML is quick and no real need for a special index column to be created. ## The default index that are created. The sqlindex configuration is found in the "/system.rules" file. ```
``` *These can be altered by editing the "system.rules" file and then you must do a validation of the system to rebuild the new index.* ## Default SQL search filter **IMPORTANT: The DNN search must be activated and you MUST also define a search page and search module in the Admin Settings of the RocketDirectory System.** The DNN search musts be linked to a modules, when the articles are updated a flag is placed on the module to index the data that has changed. If you do not do this link the DNN search will return nothing and hence the article list will return ALL products without any searching. ``` {contains:searchtext} ``` ## XML and index SQL search filter ``` and ( isnull(articlename.GUIDKey,'') like '%{searchtext}%' or articleref.GUIDKey like '%{searchtext}%' or isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/articlekeywords)[1]','nvarchar(max)'),'') like '%{searchtext}%' ) ``` NOTE: The articlename index is used as the "articlename.GUIDKey" column. ## Mixed XML and DNN search ``` {contains:viewsearchtext} and ( ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') >= convert(date,'{searchdate1}') or '{searchdate1}' = '') and ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') <= convert(date,'{searchdate2}') or '{searchdate2}' = '') ) ``` ## UserInRole The sql filter supports testing for is a user is in a specific role. **Token** ``` {isinrole:Manager} ``` **SQL Token test** ``` '{isinrole:ClientEditor}' = 'True' ``` This allows filtering on a role system. ### XML SQL filter example ``` and ( ( isnull(articlename.GUIDKey,'') like '%{searchtext}%' or isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/articleref)[1]','nvarchar(max)'),'') like '%{searchtext}%' or isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/articlekeywords)[1]','nvarchar(max)'),'') like '%{searchtext}%' ) and ( ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') >= convert(date,'{searchdate1}') or '{searchdate1}' = '') and ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') <= convert(date,'{searchdate2}') or '{searchdate2}' = '') ) ) and ( isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/checkbox/internal)[1]','bit'),'0') = 0 or (isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/checkbox/internal)[1]','bit'),'0') = 1 and ('{isinrole:Manager}' = 'True' or '{isinrole:ClientEditor}' = 'True')) ) ``` ## Date Range The ```{searchdate1}``` and ```{searchdate2}``` are the data sources to deal with the range select. This example also included a ```{searchtext}``` ### Razor Template ``` @inherits RocketDirectoryAPI.Components.RocketDirectoryAPITokens
@using RocketDirectoryAPI.Components; @using DNNrocketAPI; @using Simplisity; @using RocketPortal.Components; @using DNNrocketAPI.Components; @using System.Globalization; @using Rocket.AppThemes.Components; @AddProcessData("resourcepath", "/DesktopModules/DNNrocket/api/App_LocalResources/") @AddProcessData("resourcepath", "/DesktopModules/DNNrocketModules/RocketDirectoryAPI/App_LocalResources/") @{ var sessionParams = (SessionParams)Model.SessionParamsData; var portalContent = (PortalCatalogLimpet)Model.GetDataObject("portalcontent"); var articleDataList = (ArticleLimpetList)Model.GetDataObject("articlelist"); var categoryData = (CategoryLimpet)Model.GetDataObject("categorydata"); }
@TextBox(new SimplisityInfo(), "genxml/textbox/searchtext", " class='simplisity_sessionfield actionentrykey' autocomplete='off' ", sessionParams.Get("searchtext"))
Par date
@ResourceKey("DNNrocket.from") :
@TextBox(new SimplisityInfo(), "genxml/textbox/searchdate1", " class='simplisity_sessionfield' autocomplete='off' ", sessionParams.Get("searchdate1"), false, 0, "","date")
@ResourceKey("") :
@TextBox(new SimplisityInfo(), "genxml/textbox/searchdate2", " class='simplisity_sessionfield' autocomplete='off' ", sessionParams.Get("searchdate2"), false, 0, "","date")
``` ### SQL filter settings The SQL filter settings are edited in the "Admin Settings" for the system. ``` and ( ( isnull(articlename.GUIDKey,'') like '%{viewsearchtext}%' or isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/articleref)[1]','nvarchar(max)'),'') like '%{viewsearchtext}%' or isnull([XMLData].value('(genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/articlekeywords)[1]','nvarchar(max)'),'') like '%{viewsearchtext}%' ) and ( ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') >= convert(date,'{searchdate1}') or '{searchdate1}' = '') and ([XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/publisheddate)[1]','date') <= convert(date,'{searchdate2}') or '{searchdate2}' = '') ) ) ```